Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 6/23/2024

1. Information We Collect

We use cookies to track visitors and how they interact with our website. This information helps us understand user behavior, improve website functionality, and personalize the user experience.

Here are the specific types of cookies we use:

We also collect the following personal information when visitors fill out the form on our website:

2. Cookie Consent

We obtain your consent to use cookies by displaying a cookie banner when you first visit our website. You can choose to accept all cookies, manage your cookie preferences, or decline cookies altogether.

We use the collected information solely to provide accurate quotes for the specified translation projects.

3. Information We Collect

In addition to the uses described above, we also use the information collected from newsletter subscribers (name and email address) for the following purposes:

4. Third-Party Disclosure

We do not share any personal information with third parties.

5. Form Consent

By submitting the form, visitors are consenting to us using their information to provide a quote for their project.

6. Data Retention

We retain user data for 3 years from the moment we receive the form submission. After this period, data will be disposed of unless the project is still ongoing or there are ongoing matters related to the project, such as an unpaid invoice in connection with said project.

7. User Rights

Users have the right to access, rectify, erase, restrict, object to, and request portability of their data. To exercise these rights, users can contact the company at

8. Data Security

We prioritize the security of your data through the following measures:

9. Updates to the Policy

The privacy policy is always available on the website, and users can check the last update date. If a user has subscribed to our newsletter, they will receive a notification in their email when the policy is updated.

10. Contact Information

For privacy-related inquiries, users can contact Rolling Translations at